On 16th of February the ten selected artists of Penso con le mie ginocchia were introduced at Frigoriferi Milanesi spaces:

Giallo Concialdi, Yuki Ichihashi, Pierpaolo Luvoni, Emanuele Marcuccio, Jacopo Mazzetti, Eleonora Orsini, Jesse Perret, Emiliano Pistacchi, Alberto Scodro, Marcello Spada.

The projects were selected by Mario Airò, Stefano Dugnani, Diego Perrone, Beatrice Oleari and Barbara Oteri, with the advice of the young curator Guido Santandrea. To introduce the workshop activity, the artists will show one or more of the most representative piece of their practise. Penso con le mie ginocchia is an idea of Mario Airò, Stefano Dugnani and Diego Perrone. Beatrice Oleari and Barbara Oteri, from FARE Association, were immediately involved in the project, as also Open Care and Frigoriferi Milanesi.

Penso con le mie ginocchia is a workshop that has its producing and presentation centre in Milan, in Frigoriferi Milanesi; it offers the opportunity to young artists to develop and realize a project of a work, in Mario Airò, Stefano Dugnani and Diego Perrone’s studio. The workshop provides an area and an experimental platform with the goal of exploring different ways to integrate and transform critically theory and practical-technical research. The young selected artists will not only have the possibility to use the facilities and equipment of the laboratory, but also the experience, the know-how and assistance.The artists will be followed throughout the production of their projects and supported both in the theoretical elaboration, also by guests’ advice, and in the related technical implementation, with the particular attention of practical processes of the work in the studio. The main purpose of Penso con le mie ginocchia is to emphasize that only the integration of a theoretical development to practical research allows to know and be aware of different possibilities of conception and execution of a work. To catch this goal the workshop offers the opportunity of a training and a critical thinking essential for a greater awareness of the used means, from the initial theoretical elaboration of the project to the concrete realization.

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